gitdir = "/data00/layerfMRI/Github_repo/layerfMRI/"
bd = gitdir + /analyses/depth_native/02_feat_native/

EV preparation

The summary of all log files is in log.summary.csv (prepared by Lorenzo). This table is parsed with to derive one EV in fsl format for each sub/session/task/run/movietype.


The EVs are saved in the EV_predictors directory. Since the process had already been run initially for the PPI analysis, I also wrote a little script that carries out a check to verify that the EVs written now and then are identical.


Prepare FEAT .fsf onerun

To carry out the FEAT for all subs and run, I build a template using the sub_02_task_1_run_1. This will be then dynamically modified in sed for every sub/run. Finally feat will be run in parallel on all the .fsf files.

First I manually create an empty directory 000_subj_level_feat.

mkdir 000_subj_level_feat

Then we need to work in the Feat gui in x2go to create a sample fsf that we will save in 000_template_fsf_onesubrun as sub_02_task_1_run_1.fsf.


It is important to correctly specify the following parameters in the gui:

  • output dir : bd + /000_subj_level_feat/ + /sub_02_task_1_run_1.feat/

  • fmri data : /data00/layerfMRI/regdata/sub_02/ses_01/func/task_1_run_1_4D

NB: the fmri data is task_1_run_1_4D. Be very careful not to use the MNI counterpart.

Note that the fmri data comes from the original directory. There is no need to duplicate it here.


Since we are using raw data, there is also a minimal preprocessing to carry out. Basically motion correction (MCFLIRT) and highpass filtering. Make sure you set:

  • Slice timing correction : None
  • BET brain extraction : unchecked
  • Spatial smooting FWHM (mm) : 0.0


Uncheck everything: we don’t want to run any registration (we suffered enough with ANTs for this)


There are two EVs: one for M(otion), the other for S(crambled) (and their temporal derivatives). They are linked to the following EV_predictors

  • EV Motion : bd + EV_predictors/sub_02_EV_task_1_run_1_M.txt
  • EV Scrambled : bd + EV_predictors/sub_02_EV_task_1_run_1_S.txt

The Contrast matrix contains 4 contrasts:

Title EV1 EV2
M > S 1 -1
S > M -1 1


We want to run the analyses - and resolve the MCP problem - only within the cortex.

To do this, we use the sub/taskrun-specific cortical depth maps we previously created, which are already stored in:


So we point the pre-thresholding masking to this file.

Prepare FEAT template FSF

We cp the single-subject fsf to a template_design.FSF

cp 000_template_fsf_onesubrun/sub_02_task_1_run_1.fsf \

and replace the actual values in the first column with the placeholder in the second column:

sub_02_task_1_run_1.fsf 000_template_design.FSF
set fmri(outputdir) "OUTPUTFEATDIR"
set fmri(npts) NUMBATIMEPOINTS
set fmri(totalVoxels) TOTALNUMBAVOXELS
set feat_files(1) "NII4D"
set fmri(custom1) "EVMOTION"
set fmri(custom2) "EVSCRAMBLED"
set fmri(threshmask) "DEPTHMAP"

NB: careful to the “double quotes” for files placeholders.

Running feat

The feat for each subj/taskrun is carried out by the executable bash script. The script does the following:

  1. grab a list of subjects in /data00/layerfMRI/list_subjects

  2. grab the 000_template_design.FSF and sed-replace the placeholders in it with the appropriate files/values for each sub/taskrun, then writes the fsf in the 000_subj_level_feat folder

  3. create a bash array of all the .fsf files in 000_subj_level_feat and a function to run one feat

  4. run all the feat .fsf in parallel - 10 at a time because of RAM limitations.

ETA is ~ 3hrs

## Copy Zstat to data_native Once all the first-level analyses have been carried out, it’s time to copy the final zstats for each taskrun into the /data_native folder. This is achieved by:

The final structure (of the Zstat) for one subject in /data_native will be like the following:

└── Zstat
    ├── task_1_run_1
    │   ├── zstat1.nii.gz
    │   ├── zstat2.nii.gz
    │   ├── zstat3.nii.gz
    │   └── zstat4.nii.gz
    ├── task_1_run_2
    │   ├── zstat1.nii.gz
    │   ├── zstat2.nii.gz
    │   ├── zstat3.nii.gz
    │   └── zstat4.nii.gz
    └── task_4_run_2
        ├── zstat1.nii.gz
        ├── zstat2.nii.gz
        ├── zstat3.nii.gz
        └── zstat4.nii.gz